About the Blog

The Republican Millennial is a bi-weekly blog that pinpoints the disparities between the current republican talking points and the younger voters’ interests. It is written with a hint of sarcasm, wit and a little naiveté.

The Republican Party needs to address the short-comings of its value proposition to young voters. It will continue to lose elections until it publically acknowledges the principles of the millennial generation, which include but are not limited to:

  • Sustainability: We are not interested in depleting resources when renewables are available.
  • Consumerism: We buy with purpose and not for simple pleasures.
  • Networks: We build our own so feel free to join.

Each blog post will tackle a relevant topic and offer up guidance to the current republican leadership. You can connect with me in greater detail on twitter at @repmillennial. Thank you for reading.

The Republican Millennial
Republican Millenial

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